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Apostle Dr. Gabriel Sánchez Velázquez and his Panamenian Songs: Rolando and Keny in the International Airport in panama. |
"Then they said, 'This is your god, OIsrael , that brought you out of theland ofEgypt !' So when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it. And Aaron made a proclamation and said, 'Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord'". Exodus 32:4-5
How is it possible that Christians have THE SACRED SCRIPTURES in their hands and say that they believe in them, and defend so much the Babylonian traditions? How can it be explained that there are pastors who talk more about Christmas than the POWER OF THE GOSPEL?
Only one way. With the Biblical judgment of Revelation 3:18: “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.”
In other words, many of the Babylonian traditions still remain in use in the evangelical churches, because those who make up the churches are blind. They are blinded so that they are not able to see the abomination of their religious practices.
Ralph Woodrow in his book Babylon, A Religious Mystery, on page 250 says, “Since these pagan religious customs have been ‘Christianized’, that is to say, mixed with customs and Christian names, many reason THAT IN THIS WAY THEY ARE APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY GOD. The Roman-Catholics believe that although a rite or custom has been originally pagan, if it is applied to Christ, then it is approved by God, even though it has no Biblical foundation. But this is only human reasoning completely opposed to the Word of God”.
I prophesy and proclaim in a loud voice that the day is coming soon when the Holy Spirit will work over the BODY OF JESUS CHRIST and will clean it of all Babylonian filthiness. In fact, the Lord is already doing it. Hallelujah!
But still there are pastors and leaders who worsen their thinking in order to defend the Christmas celebration, when they should feel ashamed to be mixing the Gospel with Paganism. Some of them reason in the following ways:
-It has always been celebrated. Those of us who have been rescued from Babylonian Romanism, always celebrated many pagan holidays; for example, the supposed apparitions of Guadalupe; but when the Gospel illuminated our soul we have abhorred this practice forever. This should also be done with the nativity of Tammuz.
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Why did these new converts act this way? Because when one loves the Lord it no longer counts what one likes, the only thing that counts is that they please the Lord |
-I like it very much.There are Christians that have been liberated from the claws of Spiritism. Before knowing the Gospel, they felt fine in their spiritist practices and they liked them very much. But when Jesus Christ saved them and they came to a genuine conversion to the Gospel, they not only abandoned their spiritist practices but also abhorred them. They have burned their magic books as in the case of Acts 19:19-20 which says: "Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver. So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed." Why did these new converts act this way? Because when one loves the Lord it no longer counts what one likes, the only thing that counts is that they please the Lord. We don't live to practice what we like, but what our Lord likes. Many evangelicals in this generation have come celebrating Christmas believing that it is something pleasing to God, but upon having the opportunity to study the pagan origin of this holiday, if they want to please God they should abandon this religious practice.
-The church fills up during Christmas. It is a sad Satanic trick that the evangelical churches are full of people during the Christmas celebrations, because they do not go to seek God, to hear the Word; but they are motivated because there are candies, cookies, peanuts, or for the piñatas. In fact there are people that go to the evangelical church every year during the Christmas season. But after the holidays they never return, and the pews of the church return being empty. The churches in God's order do not need an arrival of a holiday arrives so that they can congregate, but they always do it because they love God, desire to worship Him, and feed on His Word.
-Christmas is a time that unites families. According to the Gospel teachings, a Christian family should be united all the days of the year. The born again Christians have as a personal experience what Romans 5:5 declares: "The love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given us." The end of the year isn't needed to be able to love parents, fathers and mothers in law, or sons and daughters, sons in law or daughters in law. God wants that we live all the days with a genuine family love and not that we have one main night with a faked love and that ends in a tragic dawn.
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-During Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ. In a theological sense the birth of Christ can not be celebrated. Why? BECAUSE HE IS ETERNAL. HE IS GOD. He has no beginning and |
-During Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ. In a theological sense the birth of Christ can not be celebrated. Why? BECAUSE HE IS ETERNAL. HE IS GOD. He has no beginning and no end. He became flesh in order to save us, but HE WAS ALREADY ALL MIGHTY GOD BEFORE BEING BORN inBethlehem . Such phrases as: "May Christ be born in your hearts as He was born in Bethlehem " are unfortunate and mistaken. The Bible never insinuates that a baby will have to be born in every human heart, only that THE KING OF GLORY BE ENTHRONED IN EVERY HEART. Those who now have left the Babylonian celebrations, do it for the love of Christ and not because they want to despise Him.
Of course the previous arguments are not the only ones. But they are an example of the reasons that circulate in our midst for celebrating Christmas. Particularly in the Philadelphia Christian Community we emphasize what the Bible orders, what the Bible teaches. If any practice does not have a Biblical foundation, we discard it, we put it in its place, in the garbage can.
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